Holiday Dialysis - Nephro Best
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Holiday Dialysis: Better Health…Today


Most people need a break from time to time, and kidney patients are no exception! Holidays are a great way to reinforce the fact that you can still enjoy the good things in life as a kidney patient – and they also provide a welcome break for carers.

Go on Holiday


For most patients – whatever therapy they are on – travel and holidays will be actively encouraged by the medical team.  Of course it is essential that you check with us before planning or booking anything.

We accept bookings from overseas, up-country or regional visitors requesting temporary dialysis at our Nephrobest dialysis unit, which is located in the leafy suburb of Shelly Beach.

For enquiries, or to start the booking process, please contact us. (phone +27 76 271 7293).

Prior to your dialysis with us, you will need to provide:

  • A letter from your Nephrologist.
  • Dialysis information from your dialysis unit.
  • Up-to-date infection status information.
  • Latest dietary requirements 

Where are we?


Nephrobest is located conveniently in the leafy suburb of Shelly Beach.