Nephro Best | Better health today
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Friendly, comfortable atmosphere

We know our patients, their needs, and their strong desire to live a normal daily life, not being confined by their illness. Our aim is that our patients can experience a warm and homely atmosphere when visiting our clinic, and when leaving we hope they feel revitalised.


Quality Assurance: 100% Compliance

At Nephrobest , we believe clinical safety and quality governance should support all aspects of our professional, patient care.  Our strict company policies enable us to consistently improve the quality of our services for patients and minimise the risk of infection.


Holiday Dialysis on the South Coast

We open the door to a relaxing and enjoyable vacation. Dialysis included!  Nephrobest offers the possibility of holiday dialysis at our renal care center so that patients can also enjoy their well-earned vacation.  We offer a consistently high level of comfort and service.


You will not find a friendlier more competent Dialysis Partner in South Africa

At Nephrobest, we offer an alternative to traditional large dialysis chains and product companies, working closely with the medical aids and patients to deliver the highest level of care in the most comfortable environment.

Contracted to most Medical Aids

Nephrobest is contracted to most medical aids, we take care of the billing for you.

Convenience of Off-Hospital Dialysis

Hospitals dialysis are sometimes very inconvenient with long waiting periods and rigid time frames.

Comfort and Enjoyment

We aim to please, with our friendly relaxing atmosphere, have coffee and catch up on the telly with your own Netflix.

We try to make your Dialysis Treatment as comfortable as possible

Free WiFi

Personal Netflix


You will not find a friendlier more competent Dialysis Partner in South Africa